Zen Benefiel CV et al

Bruce ‘Zen’ Benefiel – Vitae

Zen Benefiel CV et al… He is the Founder and Director of Planetary Citizens, a 509(a)(2) organization established in 2009. With a focus on personal development, management, and strategic planning, Zen’s work emphasizes coagulating possibilities from chaos. He has also completed a series from MIT on Transforming Business, Society, and Self. Zen’s journey is marked by a commitment to fostering planetary citizenship and exploring unconventional paths towards personal and collective growth.

Business Ownershipzen benefiel cv et al

Non-Profit Entity

Completed Graduate Studies:

  • Master of Arts – Organizational Management, U. of Phoenix, 10/03, Human Resources, Conflict Management, Project Planning

  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix, 2/97, Project Management, Marketing, and Production

Other Education:

    • Human Rights Education Training, U.S. Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights, 9/23

    • MIT – U. Lab: Transforming Business, Society and Self, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 9/15

    • Life Coach Certification, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, 8/04, 15 proficiencies in life/work development – 100 hours

    • Honorary Doctor of Divinity – Universal Life Church, 2000, D.Div

    • Secondary Teacher Certification, University of Phoenix, 11/98, Business Certification

    • Hypnotherapy Cert., Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, 2/98, Stress relief, personal growth and development – 100 hours

    • Desktop Publishing Certificate, Aztech College, Tempe, AZ – 8/92, Adobe Illustrator, Quark, Adobe PageMaker – 100 hours

    • BS in Business Administration, University of Phoenix, 11/89, Major: Advertising, Finance and Marketing

Skill set:

  • Author – 30+ titles on Amazon
  • Educating, Mentoring and Coaching – small business owners, secondary and adult learners
  • Business Consulting – Facilitated over 200 small businesses, mostly women and minority-owned, to create business plans, receive micro-loans and establish operational procedures and processes
  • Organizational Development – facilitate infrastructure, development of operational plan and implementation of processes and procedures
  • Team Building – facilitate partnering sessions for workgroups and construction projects
  • Transformational Coaching – creating and monitoring action plans based on personal survey with discussion of dreams and goals
  • Television / Radio Producingco-host, host, producer, procurement coordinator and media buyer
  • Desktop Publishing – books, brochures, j-cards, posters, newsletters, presentations, web development
  • Sales and Marketing – Accomplished 45% market penetration increase in 13-state territory. Trained sales forces in health foods, software sales, loyalty programs and home improvements
  • Supply Chain Management– Accomplished 20% reduction in military spares shipments in 12 months; logistics coordinator for events drawing 250,000 patrons; coordinator/manager for city council candidate
  • Public Speaking – motivational, DIY instructional workshops, organizations, municipalities


  • DISC #1: Natural – Persuading Promoter, Adaptive – Conductor (’97)
  • DISC #2 Natural – Promoting Persuader, Adaptive – Analyzing Implementer (’02)
  • Myers-Briggs: ENTJ
  • Human Design: 5/1 Generator (Spiral Wizard)

Astro: Cancer/Rooster

Life Path: 31/4


    • Authored numerous articles, blogs, books and papers on transformational topics. (Amazon Author Profile)

    • Facilitated Partnering workshops for public and private sector organizations in the southwestern United States, with construction (building, road and bridge) as the primary focus.

    • Facilitated small to large groups as event logistics coordinator & manager with patronage of 5,000 to 250,000 from single day to 4-day duration.

    • Production Control Coordinator for an aerospace company responsible $7 Million/mo. in commercial shipments – reduced military delinquent shipments from 27% to 9% in 12 months.

    • Managed 13-State territory for health food telemarketing sales – increased market penetration by 45%, from 16% to 61% in 18 months.


  • Organized ‘Earth Concert 1989’ as part of an intended global telethon to raise funds for eco-system regeneration projects with approximately 500 in attendance.

  • Published in/on – BizCatalyst360, Thinkers360, Arizona Light, Extend Multicultural Magazine, Arizona Good Life News, HolisticLocal.net, ACISTE.org, and various professional and social networking sites on the Web.

  • Producer/host of television series (1990-92 & over 100+ One World shows) focused on personal/professional development interviews with celebrities, lay people and professionals exploring inner and outer realities they experienced

  • Produced ‘The Prophets Conference’ at Corona Ranch in Levine, AZ, with 30 speakers, 120 vendors and attended by 5,000

  • Producer/host of podcast series beginning in 2021, called One World in a New World, featuring thought-leaders from around the world discussing their lives and bridging inner and outer realities with practical and pragmatic results. (One million views – March 30, 2024)

  • Co-host of podcast series from 2016-2018, called 2 Small Biz Guys, a small business talk show with guests and featuring discussions on best-selling business book and leadership philosophy.

  • Participated in proposal writing for the Phoenix Indian School Preservation Coalition (18 of 21 AZ tribes represented) and presentation to the City of Phoenix Mayor and City Council; winning support regarding Native American desires for multi-use development of Phoenix Indian School Park grounds.

  • Co-Facilitated state-wide meetings for the Arizona Coalition for Peace, Justice and the Environment with 40+ member-groups in four locations annually.

  • Valley of the Sun ASTD Chapter Board member and 2010 Conference Chair. Facilitated management and organizational training focusing on communication, employee involvement, partnerships, motivation, customer service, and leadership.

  • Guest presenter at the International Association for Near-Death Studies 2010 annual conference in Denver, CO. Topic: The Messy Antics Complex

Insights of Others:

Zen thinks, studies, learns, then he communicates, communes, and facilitates primarily to help people and institutions. He provides consulting, support, and creativity far beyond the expectations of the most demanding clients.
Jack Dermody, retired, City of Phoenix

Zen is an exceptionally well qualified facilitator and manager of group processes. He is very effective watching group participants to ensure they are engaged and draws people into the process. He is very open, an excellent communicator…
Stephen Clarke, retired, M.A., P.C.C., B.C.C

I consider Zen to be one of those superlative examples of what the human brain can store and serve up in unique and appealing ways at will on most any occasion or assignment. To say his range of knowledge and interests are “eclectic” is engaging in understatement.
Dudley Lynch, President, Brain Technologies Corporation

Zen Benefiel is a man of great ideas and passion.I had the opportunity to bring him in to work with a staff of 15 people for Team Building. He did an outstanding job ~ so much so we still use the information as a benchmark for communication.
KC Miller, Founder/Owner, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

Citizen involvement is crucial to the decision-making process and I commend your efforts with the Indian School Heritage Park development.
Paul Johnson, Mayor – City of Phoenix

.. is a rare find in education… he has a ‘calling’… his belief, creativity and compassion add value to students as learners and people.
Angela Budde, English Teacher, Trevor Browne HS

…offers fresh ideas, creative problem solving techniques… exercises leadership when necessary to accomplish group goals… substantial contributions toward success.
Dr. Charles Wiley, Faculty Member, University of Phoenix

…works well with others …ability to effectively communicate his thoughts on a wide range of topics….impressed by the degree of sensitivity and enthusiasm. 
Cay Randall-May, Ph.D., Faculty Associate, Glendale Community College

…very resourceful and creative …communication ability and concern for the community makes him an asset for any organization.
Julia Zozaya, AZ Special Projects Coordinator, United Latin American Citizens

Literary Influences